AvantaHub Blog

How Many Images are Too Many Images in an Email

Written by Team | Mar 20, 2023 12:46:20 PM

Did this question ever cross your mind while sending the marketing email? Are you a marketer who wants to send everything to prospects and attach pricing plans, company profiles, and pitch decks in one email? And to do so, you send 5-6 images in the email. HubSpot is a robust platform for email marketing with feature offerings for every stage of email marketing. Choosing the number of images to send depends on industry standards, and the likes of your target audience, among other things.

Choosing the wrong images to send could affect your email marketing campaign performance since the email servers can block the file as spam, and your email would end up straight into the spam folder.

Large corporations even block the auto-loading of images as it saves them space on their email server. They only open and save images that they want to open and save.

I am assuming that if you send too many images, let's say 4-5, that means you are supporting your copy with images, which could also mean that your copy will look incomplete without the images. And, if the recipient has blocked auto-loading, you unintentionally sent incomplete emails to them.

That's why email copywriting takes time. You go through multiple revisions to nail the copy, which looks full even without any images. Revisions help you convey a larger message in fewer words.

Did you add Alternate Text to the Images You Attached in the Email?

Alternate Text of images helps Search Engine bots to know what the image is about. But, many people need to learn that Alt Text also helps visually impaired users to know what the image is about when they opt for the screen readers.

The users still see the alt text if the image doesn't load automatically because of blocked loading. This gives them an idea of what the image is all about.
So, it is good practice to add alternate Text to images.

As an email marketing service provider and HubSpot partner, we want to touch base for all scenarios. Here are some of the general tips while attaching images to your emails.

Compress images to reduce the file size before attaching them

Choose a method to compress your images that keeps the images' quality high. You will find out when you send the test email.

Include images as attachments rather than pasting them into the body of the email

Regardless of your industry niche, attaching the emails is always better than pasting them into the email body. It keeps the email body clean. And users come to know even without opening the email containing attachments. But, the rule for the extensions works the same as it does for the images; the lesser, the better.

Use descriptive and relevant file names for the images.

Please don't use "Image0001" or "Image0002". This shows that the sender did not put much effort into preparing the email. Image file names and alternate Text must be relevant to the image.

Use a file format that is compatible with the recipient's email client

We have shared a detailed blog on - How to Choose the Best Image Format for Your HubSpot Website. Read that to get complete clarification on image format types.

Verify that the images are correctly attached before sending the email

Test your complete email copy just before the actual sending stage. Even after testing the email, if you add/remove anything in the email, test it again.