AvantaHub Blog

How to Setup Lead Scoring in HubSpot

Written by Team | May 9, 2023 6:00:11 PM

Lead scoring is a methodology used in sales and marketing to identify the prospects or leads most likely to become customers. This score helps sales and marketing teams prioritize their efforts and allocate resources effectively. Every company has its unique criteria to score leads. The most common method involves using old leads/customers' data to see how they became customers.

The old data includes Demographics, engagement, Online Behavior, Engagement, and Sales Readiness, among others. Let's know about these data points in detail.

Lead Scoring Using Data Points from Old Leads/Customers:

Demographics: These include job title, industry, company size, and location. Leads that fit the ideal customer profile are given a higher score.

Engagement: This includes the prospect's level of interaction with your company, such as visiting your website, opening your emails, and filling out forms. The more engaged a lead is, the higher their score.

Online Behavior: This includes the prospect's actions on your website or social media channels, such as downloading content, attending webinars, and following your social media accounts.

Sales readiness: This includes the prospect's level of interest in buying, such as requesting a demo, asking for pricing information, or talking to a sales representative.

The second step is to categorize the leads based on the combination of data points. Out of 100 leads you study, let's say 25 have similar traits and were ready for sales; put those in Hot Leads and others under warm leads or cold leads based on their interest level and other data.

Hot Leads: Sales-ready leads

Warm Leads: Need more nurturing

Cold Leads: Re-initiate contact or remove

Note: There's no one-shoe-fits-all answer to this. You can add/remove the number of categories and data points based on your sales process. Some businesses achieve sales in 13 steps some might need 15 steps. So, the data points and categorization will change accordingly.

How To Set Up Lead Scoring on HubSpot

Go to Settings in the top bar, then Click on Properties from the left sidebar, as shown in the images below.

On the Following Page, you will see a search bar; search either for HubSpot Score or Lead Score. Usually, it is the HubSpot score by default, but you can rename it at your convenience. We have named it Lead Score. Click on it to view (if already created), edit, or clone it.

You will see the Positive and Negative tabs in the Field Type Area. Both have the option of '+ Add Criteria.'

Adding Criteria on the Positive Side will add points to the lead score.
If the lead clicks on the marketing email or fills a form on a landing page, you can add positive criteria.

Adding Criteria on the Negative Side will remove points from the lead score.
If the lead did not click on the marketing email or did not fill out a form on a landing page, you can add criteria on the negative side.

Lead scoring can benefit a business that generates and nurtures leads. Some of the key benefits of lead scoring are:

  • Prioritizing leads
  • Improved conversion rates
  • Better alignment between sales and marketing
  • Increased efficiency
  • Better data and insights